Biểu diễn số tự nhiên trong hệ G Phân



Program bai1; Uses Crt; Var a:array[1..20] of string; xau:string; i,j,n,g,sd : integer; Begin Clrscr; Writeln(' Bieu dien so tu nhien trong G-Phan:'); Writeln('-------------------------------'); Write('Nhap so tu nhien N = ');Readln(n); Write('Nhap he so G: = ');Readln(g); i := 1;sd:=0; xau := ''; if (g = 16) then begin while (n >0 ) do begin sd := n mod g; str(sd,xau); if (sd<10) then a[i]:= '0' + xau else xau := Chr(sd+55); a[i]:= xau; n := n div g; i:=i+1; end; end else begin Repeat sd := n mod g; str(sd,xau); a[i]:= xau; n := n div g; i:=i+1; Until n=0; end; Write('So can tim la: '); For j:=i-1 downto 1 do Write(a[j]); Readln; End.

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